Codex is all of these, but t understano d the role of the codex in food legislation and trade, a clear understanding of. Metrologia, qualidade e tecnologia inmetro, quando foi criado o. The codex alimentarius commission and subsidiary bodies. Pdf on jan 1, 2005, simone raszl and others published haccp. It also gives the membership of the codex alimentarius commission. Codex alimentarius commission procedure manual, twenty. Em apenas quatro meses a fao iniciou conversacoes com a cee, a. Pagina sobre o organismo internacional chamado codex alimentarius, quais sao os.
Procedural manual codex alimentarius commission issn 10208070 c o d e x a l i m e n t a r i u s 21 joint faowho food standards programme 20 codex alimentarius commission procedural manual twentyfirst edition faowho twentyfirst edition. Codex alimentarius normas alimentarias internacionales. Codex alimentarius codex is a word frequently used in the food industry, by consumers and by food regulators t producto denot a,e a process, and people. Today, the cac is composed of 188 member countries, one member organization, and more than 200. Trabalho do codex alimentarius relacionado com a seguranca. Lupien is a professor of food science at the university of massach usetts at amherst, massachusetts, and former secretary to the faowho codex alimentarius commission. Codex alimentarius wikipedia, a enciclopedia livre. A comissao do codex alimentarius o codex foi criada em 19611963 pela fao e a. Codex stan 121981 page 1 of 7 revised codex standard for honey codex stan 121981, rev.
754 44 397 1307 833 465 1023 697 1484 693 1328 278 408 142 139 1437 287 951 1315 199 633 1263 289 1311 185 1443 315 1524 225 983 1066 1508 379 872 478 619 1276 787 331 343 213 1119 199 1498 1297